Welcome to my Demos page! Here you'll find all the demos I've created. If you're here looking for reference material, all I can say is make a script that works with your personality. Have fun with it, be confident, and realize it may sound weird or "cringy" listening to your own voice. Thats OKAY!! Just stay true to what you're doing! Not everyone will like it but that also means that people will!! Remember have fun and make it you're own demo that embodies you and your voice. 

If you're here out of curiosity, as I said, these are the Demos I've created. All of these are my own personally written scripts, aside from the Vegeta Tribute which was taken from  Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball franchise. Vegeta is a huge inspiration for me so I had to add it in! As I said above, I made sure to have fun with these productions so I hope you get a good laugh and want to listen to more! If you're scouting me, please reach out on one of my professional sites linked on my home page!!

This page optimal on desktops, if you view the demos from your phone be aware it may redirect you. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

Cartman Imposter Demo

Cartman Imposter Demo

Passage Through Time Demo

Passage Through Time Demo

Spooky Witches Demo

Spooky Witches Demo

Whimsical Weiner Dog Radio Commercial Demo

Whimsical Weenier Dog Commercial Demo

Freedom Motors Commercial Demo

Freedom Motors Commercial Demo

Friendly Alien Demo

Friendly Alien Demo

Vegeta Tribute Demo

Vegeta Tribute Demo